Personal Training

Having your own trainer can make a huge difference when it comes to achieving your goals.

My goal as a personal trainer is to help you develop healthy, sustainable habits you can keep long term so you no longer need a personal trainer.

In the beginning, it can really help having a trainer teach you correct movement patterns as well as give you a postural assessment to correct and prevent any bad movement habits. The real game changer for people by having your own coach is that you’ll have someone hold you accountable.

As your holistic health and wellness coach you will learn about nutrition, mindset, mindfulness, goal setting and strategies to help you develop long term habits. I work very closely with you over a period of 8 – 12 weeks to give you a realistic opportunity to make a difference in your health and wellbeing with the option to continue private coaching.

I offer a free 20 minute consult to people who are committed to making a change to their health, wellbeing and happiness.

Reach out anytime, I would love to help you start living your best life today…

Kiara Lawson

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